
Bronze Cow Statue Set-up to Honor Record-Breaking Cow

Holstein Cow Standing

GRAND TRAVERSE COUNTY, Mich. -- She was a world champion cow who made headlines more than a century ago and now, a statue in her honor is overlooking the former pastures she called home.

A 1,000-pound statue of Traverse Colantha Walker was delivered to the Botanic Gardens at Historic Barns Park Friday afternoon.

The statue was placed at the Children's Sensory Garden.

Colantha Walker lived on the grounds of the former Traverse City State Hospital.

She was taken care of by the patients of the institution as a part of their therapy.

Colantha went above and beyond in giving back. She produced more than 22,000-pounds of milk in 1926. That's more than five times the state average that year.

That made her the highest-producing cow in the world.

In Colantha's 16-year lifetime she produced more than 200,000-pounds of milk and 7,000-pounds of butterfat.

A memorial stone stands on her grave site near the historic barns.

Holstein Cow Standing

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